. . . . . . .RICHARD MAJOR
. . . . . . . . .WYGEFORTIS
The Culpepper novels are a cycle of sixteen books forming a single story: Wygefortis, a gothic fairy-tale for adults.
. . . .Wygefortis recounts the epic misdeeds of Felix Culpepper, Fellow in Classics at a dire Cambridge college,
assassin to the British Establishment; and Margot ffontaines-Laigh, his sidekick, lover and nemesis.
. . . .Quintember was published as a hardback, paperback and ebook in 2017 and 2018.
Parricide appeared
in 2018, This Lower World is coming out now, September 2019. Piracies will see the light at Christmas,
and the rest of the cycle in 2020.
. . . .Click on the covers to read extracts.