In this sequel to Quintember, we discover more than is quite decent about Felix Culpepper,
and Culpepper discovers more than he can digest, about himself and his family origins,
in the wilds of nineteenth-century Spain and in the freaks of the bullfight.
An article on Parricide published online by
Exeter College, Oxford.
Parricide is the second of a cycle of twelve Culpepper novels;
the third installment,
Piracies, is to be launched in May 2018;
the first, Quintember was shortlisted for the 2017
People’s Book Prize for fiction.
Readers of Quintember:
“A high-cultured romp.... stands comparison with the best comic novels.”
“Brilliantly witty, extraordinary ideas delivered in
sumptuous sentences. Completely original.”
“It pulls off two very difficult feats: being very readable, and creating its own believable world.”
“No question that Major is the greatest comic novelist in English since Evelyn Waugh. Bring on the sequel!”